

Pay 2 MANA to play BOLT, which deals 1 DMG to any target, and then resolves.


CANCEL costs 3 MANA and has the tag NOW, meaning it can be played at anytime as long as the cost is played. If CANCEL is played in the middle of an action being taken, CANCEL would happen before the action would have been taken; effectively refunding the action. A fun homage, with game changing implications, CANCEL is one of our favorite cards in BATL. 

When a player knows their enemy has one or more CANCEL cards in their deck, it forces the strategy to shift due to the sheer gravity of a single CANCEL card played with optimal timing. One example of this is the usage of EQUIPMENT. Often times a player will equip a card to use its effect, and then leave it equipped, so that they may potentially use that card again next turn before equipping something else. However, when a player has knowledge of a potential incoming CANCEL, instead of leaving their card equipped, they will unequip after use, so that the equipped card cannot be targeted by a future CANCEL. In this same vein, when a player is suspicious of an incoming CANCEL, that player will often keep track of the opposing players RESOURCE pool, knowing that if their opponent has 3 MANA, there could be a CANCEL loaded up. 

This dynamic of suspicion and fear, opens up an opportunity for the player with CANCEL to bluff. A player with CANCEL in their deck, might bring their MANA to 3, to appear as though they have a CANCEL ready to play, when in fact they do not. Because CANCEL can be so game changing, when the opposing player sees a player has 3 MANA ready, the opposing player will assume the CANCEL is coming, falling into the bluff.


A player must COMBO off a mage card and spend 1 MANA, to play GRAVITY. Once played the user may target anyone from anywhere, causing the target to suffer -1 MS until the start of the user's next turn. The global range of GRAVITY makes it a highly valuable control card, allowing the user to chase, escape, force engagements, or force disengagements. GRAVITY is a card with exceptional utility.


Pay 6 MANA to play NUKE, which deals 5 DMG to any target, and then resolves. NUKE is the most devastating direct DMG card in all of BATL, but with a high cost of 6 MANA, a player often has to save up in order to play it.


PATIENCE acts as a slow RESOURCE card, granting the user +1 MANA when played, due to having no cost, and then grants the user +1 RESOURCE at the start of the user's next turn. RESOURCE can be allocated to the RESOURCE pool of any class.


POTION has no cost, granting +1 MANA, and then +2 HP to either the user or a chosen adjacent target. POTION is similar to other restoration cards, but has a unique card name, allowing a player to have it alongside other healing cards in their deck.


SCHEME, once played, stays in play until the end of the user's next turn. On the next turn, SCHEME increases all DMG dealt by the user by +1. This can be a godsend to cards like BOLT or NUKE, and can even top off DMG dealt by attacks from the user. If a user does make an attack action while SCHEME is in effect, but the user does not penetrate an enemies DEF and no DMG is ever dealt, SCHEME would never have any DMG to increase. SCHEME increases DMG dealt, not a user's ATK.


The card SKELETON is different from every other creature card, in a variety of important ways. The first difference, is that SKELETON has no MANA cost, thereby granting +1 MANA, but upon being played, SKELETON deals 2 DMG to the user. This can be a steep HP cost, especially if the user is already low. However with cards like POTION, it is possible for the user to effectively negate this HP cost.

The second thing that happens after playing SKELETON, is that the user summons a 1 HP, 1 ATK, 1 MS, one action SKELETON  token. The SKELETON card itself does not remain in play, and instead resolves, leaving behind the SKELETON token it created. Because the SKELETON card is no longer in play, and there is instead just a token in play, the user then has the opportunity to play another SKELETON card, which would create an entirely new SKELETON token. This is different from every other creature card, as normally the creature card would remain in play, disallowing the user from playing a copy of that same card. It is because of the way this logic works out, a player may control multiple SKELETONs at once. Also because SKELETON creates a token, and tokens are not cards, SKELETON cannot be affected by BLESS, because once it creates a SKELETON token, the card resolves and the BLESS would be removed with the card. In this same way, when the SKELETON card is being played, at that moment it can be countered by a CANCEL card. However once the SKELETON card has resolved, and the token is in play, the token is immune to the card CANCEL, as it is a token, and not a card in play.


SPECIAL is similar to the mage's class ability CYCLE, allowing the user to discard from their hand in order to draw a new card. A user must perform a mage COMBO first to play SPECIAL, but SPECIAL has no MANA cost, thereby granting +1 MANA. Once SPECIAL has been played, the user must choose and discard a single card from their hand, before then drawing a single card. SPECIAL follows the same rule as CYCLE, where if a user does not have a card in hand to discard, the discard step is skipped, and the user goes straight to draw. SPECIAL is very useful in expediting the process of getting through one's deck in order to get the cards one needs, especially when used in combination with CYCLE.


TELEKINESIS is perhaps one of the most versatile cards in all of BATL. A player must perform a mage COMBO, and then pay 1 MANA, in order to play TELEKINESIS. Once in play, TELEKINESIS allows the user to choose a target to move 1 square, and this can be any target including the user.  The description of TELEKINESIS intentionally uses the integer "1", allowing it to be targeted by BLESS.. Whether creating space, or closing the gap, from anywhere on the board, TELEKINESIS must always be respected. 


With no cost, WISPS grants the user +1 MANA, and then allows the user to select any target. Once selected, the target must discard 1 card from hand at random. The sheer randomness of WISPS can throw players for a loop, often forcing the discarding of much needed cards, allowing the user to press the advantage. The description of WISPS intentionally uses the integer "1", allowing it to be targeted by BLESS.