

BLOCK is one of the bread and butter cards of BATL. By granting the user +1 DEF, the user can advance or retreat with confidence of survival. BLOCK has no cost, and therefore grants the user +1 KI


COUNTER is a monk card that requires a COMBO, but has no RESOURCE cost, granting +1 KI. Once in play, the very first attack against the user initiates a free attack by the user against the attacker, if the attacker is in RANGE. COUNTER would then resolve. COUNTER also resolves naturally if untriggered at the start of the user's next turn. If the user has persisting increased ATK, such as if they had a GREATSWORD equipped, and COUNTER is triggered, the free attack would include this ATK increase. Similarly, if the user has persisting increased RANGE, such as if they had BOW equipped, and COUNTER is triggered, the free attack would include this RANGE increase. COUNTER is triggered even if the incoming attack misses due to DODGE or is inept due to impenetrable DEF.  Direct DMG dealt by cards does not trigger COUNTER. Because of all these factors, COUNTER acts as one of the very best attack deterrents in BATL.

2 KI

EQUIPMENT cards are usually some of the most powerful cards in a players deck, and being able to remove EQUIPMENT can be equally as powerful. DISARM forces an adjacent target to discard a currently equipped card of the user's choice. Is a pesky PLATE getting in your way? Did your opponent leave their BOW equipped? Use DISARM to make them regret it.

2 KI - NOW

At anytime, on any players turn, because of it's NOW tag, a player may spend 2 KI and use DODGE. DODGE makes an attack fully miss, and then shifts the user to an adjacent square. Most cards with the NOW tag, happen before any announced action, but DODGE fully cancels out an attack, and that action is not refunded. This has the dramatic ability to swing the outcome of a fight. Because DODGE shifts the user to an adjacent square, the user may shift away from the attacker, further limiting what the attacker can do with any remaining actions. Finally, DODGE can be used aggressively on a players turn to shift up a square, facilitating the user to spend both actions to perform attacks. DODGE does not use, and is not affected by MS.

1 KI

Whether you need to trap an opponent to finish them off, or weigh them down to escape, GRAB has endless utility. The user must spend 1 KI, before playing GRAB to affect an adjacent target. Unless the target gains additional MS, the target's MS will be equal to 0 (MS = 0), disabling the target from moving, until the user's next turn.


The most commonly used card in all of BATL is HIT, because it is the easiest way for a player to increase their ATK. Having no cost, the user gains +1 KI, and then gains +1 ATK until the end of the user's turn. This ATK increase stacks with all other ATK increases.


With the high cost of having to COMBO and pay 2 KI, KABLAMO pays off by granting a whopping +2 ATK until the end of the user's turn. Very, very few cards grant this amount of ATK bonus, and this stacks with all other ATK increases.


With a little preparation, and maybe a little meditation, a player can use MEDITATE to command the direction of the game. Needing a COMBO and 1 KI to play, MEDITATE once played sits and waits to take effect until the players following turn, granting +1 ATK and +1 MS. Often players will opt for cards that take effect immediately and overlook slower cards, but cards like MEDITATE have the potential to truly dominate. Great for chasing down, sticking on enemies, and making them question whether they should fight or run. 


PATIENCE acts as a slow RESOURCE card, granting the user +1 KI when played, due to having no cost, and then grants the user +1 RESOURCE at the start of the user's next turn. RESOURCE can be allocated to the RESOURCE pool of any class.


SPRINT is the most reliable way to increase the user's MS, while also granting +1 KI. With an increase of just +1 MS, the user's potential movement range doubles. This increase to MS stacks with all other active MS increases.


STANCE has no cost, granting the user +1 KI when played. Then at the start of the players next turn, STANCE grants +1 DEF to the user, until the start of the players following turn. In many regards this operates as a slow BLOCK. Throw off your opponent by covering your future defense, by playing STANCE alongside immediate DEF increases.