

BEAR costs 2 FOCUS, and is played to the board, and remains in play until killed or removed by some outside force like the card CANCEL. BEAR occupies its square, and has 2 HP, 2 ATK, and 1 MS. BEAR has a single action that can be used at anytime on the player's turn. BEAR is beloved in BATL. Operating as a creature independent of the user, BEAR can use its action to do things to assist its player. Whether attacking, blocking off an enemy route, or searching, BEAR is a great ally to have. 


EXECUTION inflicts 2 DMG to any target once played. Once having paid the cost of a scout COMBO and 2 FOCUS, a player can use EXECUTION  to pick off any target of their choice. A very effective and consistent, global range direct DMG card.


Unlike many other DMG inflicting cards that have a specific target, FLAME creates a hazard that then affects players. After a scout COMBO and a cost of 1 FOCUS, FLAME can be played, and remains in play until the start of the user's next turn. Once played, the user selects three board squares in a line, with the originating square starting adjacent to the user. Diagonals are allowed, creating a wide range of possible playable positions. Once the affected squares are chosen, FLAME deals 1 DMG to any target that enters the squares affected by FLAME, or if a target ends their turn in FLAME. If a square is chosen to use FLAME on, and that square is already occupied by a player, that player would take 1 initial DMG as if they entered FLAME.


HEAL has no cost, granting +1 FOCUS, and then +2 HP to either the user or a chosen adjacent target. HEAL is the most common healing card in BATL. 


The most commonly used card in all of BATL is HIT, because it is the easiest way for a player to increase their ATK. Having no cost, the user gains +1 FOCUS, and then gains +1 ATK until the end of the user's turn. This ATK increase stacks with all other ATK increases.


NET requires a scout COMBO, but has no cost, and grants +1 FOCUS. Once played, NET reduces the MS of an adjacent target by -1, until the start of the user's next turn. It is common for NET to be played to setup attacks or retreats, and sometimes a mix of both. If a player's MS is reduced to 0, any move action would be useless. Any further reduction after 0, acts as a counter to any MS increases.


When a player needs a friend that can help with just about anything, OWL is a reliable choice. What may first appear to be mediocre, soon becomes a must have card after full understanding. Like all other creature cards OWL remains in play until killed or removed by some outside force like the card CANCEL. OWL has 1 HP, 1 ATK, 1 MS, two full actions, and costs 2 FOCUS to play. Given that OWL has two actions, OWL can move and attack, attack twice, search twice, or take and give treasure on the same turn. The endless utility of OWL never ceases to amaze.


SPRINT is the most reliable way to increase the user's MS, while also granting +1 FOCUS. With an increase of just +1 MS, the user's potential movement range doubles. This increase to MS stacks with all other active MS increases.


THORNS can take an absolute dire situation, and suddenly turn it into a win. With a cost of 2 FOCUS, THORNS grants the user +1 DEF, and returns all DMG taken by the user back to the source at half the amount, rounded up, until the start of the user's next turn. Perhaps the best part about THORNS though, is that the user always returns a minimum of at least 1 DMG if DMG is taken by the user. This means that if an enemy with 2 ATK hit the user of THORNS, 1 ATK would go through, dealing 1 DMG to the user, and then 1 DMG would be returned to the attacker. THORNS applies to all received DMG, not just attacks, making it one of the very best deterrents to being targeted. 


Just like the card HIT, but with requirement of a COMBO.  WALLOP increases the user's ATK by +1 until the end of the user's turn, and grants +1 FOCUS as it has no cost. This ATK increase stacks with all other active ATK increases. HIT into WALLOP is the most common COMBO in BATL.


With no cost, WISPS grants the user +1 FOCUS, and then allows the user to select any target. Once selected, the target must discard 1 card from hand at random. The sheer randomness of WISPS can throw players for a loop, often forcing the discarding of much needed cards, allowing the user to press the advantage. The description of WISPS intentionally uses the integer "1", allowing it to be targeted by BLESS.