

BLOCK is one of the bread and butter cards of BATL. By granting the user +1 DEF, the user can advance or retreat with confidence of survival. BLOCK has no cost, and therefore grants the user +1 SPIRIT


BOOST is unlike most other ATK increases in BATL, as instead of only being able to target the user, BOOST can target anyone from any distance. Furthermore, because the ATK increase is active until the start of the user's next turn, allies can take advantage of this temporary buff before the effect ends. With a cost of only 2 SPIRIT, the value per cost makes it one of the most sought after support cards in BATL.


CANCEL costs 3 SPIRIT and has the tag NOW, meaning it can be played at anytime as long as the cost is played. If CANCEL is played in the middle of an action being taken, CANCEL would happen before the action would have been taken; effectively refunding the action. Equipping is not an action, and would not be refunded if discarded by a CANCEL. A fun homage, with game changing implications, CANCEL is one of our favorite cards in BATL. 

When a player knows their enemy has one or more CANCEL cards in their deck, it forces the strategy to shift due to the sheer gravity of a single CANCEL card played with optimal timing. One example of this is the usage of EQUIPMENT. Often times a player will equip a card to use its effect, and then leave it equipped, so that they may potentially use that card again next turn before equipping something else. However, when a player has knowledge of a potential incoming CANCEL, instead of leaving their card equipped, they will unequip after use, so that the equipped card cannot be targeted by a future CANCEL. In this same vein, when a player is suspicious of an incoming CANCEL, that player will often keep track of the opposing players RESOURCE pool, knowing that if their opponent has 3 SPIRIT, there could be a CANCEL loaded up. 

This dynamic of suspicion and fear, opens up an opportunity for the player with CANCEL to bluff. A player with CANCEL in their deck, might bring their SPIRIT to 3, to appear as though they have a CANCEL ready to play, when in fact they do not. Because CANCEL can be so game changing, when the opposing player sees a player has 3 SPIRIT ready, the opposing player will assume the CANCEL is coming, falling into the bluff.


DIMINISH by itself can be brutal, but when a player builds a deck around it, that deck can be suffocating. It has a cost of 3 SPIRIT, and once played any target must choose and discard 3 cards from their hand. DIMINISH  then resolves immediately. This is often played along with other cards that force discard, forcing the target to discard most of, if not all of their hand. A common strategy is to wait until an opponent only has 3 cards in their hand, and then use DIMINISH, in order to force the opponent to discard their whole hand. Normal rules apply for discarding TREASURE from a player's hand.


FAVOR allows the user to first draw a card, see what the card is, and then choose a card from their hand to discard. This order allows the user the option of what they want to discard, and includes the drawn card. The problem with FAVOR is when the only card in the player's hand is the single FAVOR card. When this is the case, if FAVOR is played, the user would draw a card, and then immediately be forced to discard it as it would be the only card in their hand. Because FAVOR has no cost it grants the user +1 SPIRIT. 


A player must COMBO off a priest card and spend 1 SPIRIT, to play GRAVITY. Once played the user may target anyone from anywhere, causing the target to suffer -1 MS until the start of the user's next turn. The global range of GRAVITY makes it a highly valuable control card, allowing the user to chase, escape, force engagements, or force disengagements. GRAVITY is a card with exceptional utility.


HEAL has no cost, granting +1 SPIRIT, and then +2 HP to either the user or a chosen adjacent target. HEAL is the most common healing card in BATL. 

There is an interesting situation when a priest uses the HEAL card, that allows the priest to use their class ability, BLESS, to heal for more. Whenever a card is played that has no cost, the user gains +1 RESOURCE of the class type of the card, like the card HEAL granting +1 SPIRIT. The way the order of operations work out when a card like HEAL is played, is first the +1 SPIRIT is gained, then the effect of the card takes place. Class abilities can be used at any point on a player turn, so when a player plays the HEAL card and gains the +1 SPIRIT, it could put their SPIRIT pool to its max of 3, then allowing the player to use BLESS on the HEAL card before it takes effect, increasing the healing amount to +3. This idea of using the RESOURCE gained from a card to activate a class ability before the effect of the card takes place, is a bit of an advanced technique. 


The most commonly used card in all of BATL is HIT, because it is the easiest way for a player to increase their ATK. Having no cost, the user gains +1 SPIRIT, and then gains +1 ATK until the end of the user's turn. This ATK increase stacks with all other ATK increases.


PATIENCE acts as a slow RESOURCE card, granting the user +1 SPIRIT when played, due to having no cost, and then grants the user +1 RESOURCE at the start of the user's next turn. RESOURCE can be allocated to the RESOURCE pool of any class.


When you're in a pinch, and you need something bad, sometimes all you can do is play PRAY. Having no cost, and granting +1 SPIRIT, PRAY makes the user discard the very top card of their deck, and then draw a card. When used along side other deck manipulation cards, the stark risk involved with PRAY can be largely negated.


SMITE is one of the very few cards in BATL that increase the RANGE of a user's attacks. Costing 2 SPIRIT, and lasting until the end of the user's turn, SMITE grants +1 RANGE. This sudden increase in RANGE can throw an opponent off, making them vulnerable to attacks they didn't see coming. Because SMITE has a numeric value, if the user can gain 3 SPIRIT to use BLESS, the user can BLESS their SMITE, further increasing the bonus to +2 RANGE.